Investing in "Discount Sprint for the Future" Discount Bank's Flagship Project in the community
In 2005, the Bank joined the "Sprint for the Future" Association with a view of advancing education and schooling in the social and geographical periphery in the State of Israel, in favor of the various sectors of society. Together they launched a program that became the Bank's flagship program "Discount Sprint for the Future". Over the passing years the Bank was an important partner in the growth in the scope of operations and budgets of the Association, assists in the structure of unique projects and partnerships with government agencies, such as the Israeli Ministry of Education and the Israeli National Insurance Institute, and also has founded a student scholarship foundation.
The "
Sprint for the Future" Association initiates and operates unique and innovative programs for advancement of education and knowledge, Self-empowerment and for providing tools for social-economic leadership for weak populations of all social segments and strives to integrate them in the academy, in employment and in the society in Israel. The Association operates nine central programs.
Additional strategic cooperation: